Problem with rigify not generating rig

I made this rig with rigfy, but I deleted the bones for the eyes, for the eyelids, because as you can see in the picture, the character has no eyes (picture 01). After I nicely placed the bones on the model and clicked on Update Face rig, I got an error (picture 02). And after I click on Generate rig, I get this error (Image 03). I would like someone to help me, should I do a custom rigify rig for this character? Thank you in advance

I even try the update face rig option, and then delete the bones, but again i have the same problem

Hi, that is usually what happens when you delete rigify bones. your best way to get over this is to keep the bones but delete the vertex groups corresponding to the bones you don’t need.

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I could do it that way, but then I’ll have to manually delete the controls for those bones as well

Or you can just hide them?

I could do that too, thanks for the help, I appreciate it

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Good luck.

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In addition to the above, my other few common Rigify mistakes if you are just starting out.

Thank you very much

Rigify is a modular rig generation tool. The provided metarigs are just pre-made assemblies of modules, like buying a pre-made Lego contraption instead of individual bricks. You are free to add or remove whole modules/bricks, make your own modules (rig types), but you can’t delete part of a module.

See Rigify - Blender 4.1 Manual to learn more precisely how to use Rigify as is.
And see Rigify - Blender Developer Documentation to learn how to customize Rigify to make your own modules / rig types or even your own feature sets. Although admittedly, this isn’t a solution for a common user.

If you need to remove unused bits from within a module, the safest way (as in, no risks of breaking the rig) is indeed to just generate the rig with that whole module, and then hide the parts you don’t want.

For this, I recommend using a new Bone Collection for that, hide it, and put in all the things you never want to see ever again.


If you really want to permanently remove the parts of the rig that you don’t want, you can, but it risks breaking the rig, and therefore should be done only by people who know rigging and Rigify.


You have directed your reply to the wrong Pearson. :grin:

I’m sorry, I didn’t see it

Not you. it was @LOLock rippling to the wrong person.

Oh ok, hehehe

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@L0Lock I tried to hide the eye controls in the WGTS_rig group but it still shows them in the rig, when I deleted them the controls disappeared

Hi, sorry for the wrong reply target… And delay :scream:

The content of the WGTS_rig collection only contains the objects which are used as Custom Shapes. Deleting them will not delete or hide the bones that use them, it will just turn their viewport display back to whatever the Armature’s “Display As” property is set to ; octahedral by default. Example of deleting Rigify’s WGT-rig_eye.L:

Again, the safest thing you could do is generate the rig from the metarig, without deleting module parts from the metarig. Then go in Pose Mode on the generated rig, make a new bone collection, hide it, and finally select the bones you want to get rig of and move them to your hidden collection.