Problem with shading mesh

i’m still fairly new to blender. like 2 weeks new lol i’m having trouble adjusting a image onto a mesh in shading from blender 2.8. i’m doing a tutorial right now from youtube and the instructor isnt any help. the image of the blade is on the first image and i’m trying to fit it onto the mesh blade but it’s rotated awkardly and not scaled. what am i doing wrong?

knife jpeg|500x500

You need to either rotate and scale the UV map, or add a mapping node (and UV or texture coordinate node) to rotate and scale your UVs in the nodes.

It should go, texture coordinate/UV->mapping->vector input of image texture node.

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thank you!!! it was sitting in front of my face the entire time. i had to go into UV editing and rotate the map. thanks for helping a noob lol