i got a problem here…
i already added a texture to a plane but no result in rendered mode…
<— object mode
<— rendered mode (i applied the texture to the down plane using wood texture)
<— node that i use…
help me…
i got a problem here…
i already added a texture to a plane but no result in rendered mode…
help me…
Which way are your normals pointing in Edit mode? I have found that sometimes my normals are opposite of what I expect.
You also don’t have your image texture plugged into the color input of either shader there… just into the color mix node that you have plugged into displacement for some reason. Maybe try running that to a Bump node instead, and at least check by plugging the color output from your texture to your diffuse color shader at first to see if it is showing up there.
I looks that you don’t have an UV map also. Try to unwrap the object, and then check the sugestions from Craig Jones.