Problems Building Blender (OSX)

Hey everyone,

Recently I’ve run into some trouble trying to build Blender on Mac OS X 10.6. Currently I use the scons method to build Blender and am trying to successfully build Blender with no patches targeted for a 64bit system.

The exact point at which building terminates varies but it is always with on of the “AUD” files. I’m not sure as to what in Blender these file are responsible for so I’m not sure how to troubleshoot this problem, so I’m hoping someone with more experience than me can shed some light on what these files do and how I might go about troubleshooting building Blender.

The build log from my last attempt look like this:

scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Command-line arguments
	No  command-line arguments given
Command-line targets
	No targets given, using default
Using config file: build_files/scons/config/
Using user-config file:
Build with parallel jobs: 1
Build with debug symbols: False
Building in: /Users/GCWilkinson/blenderSVN/SVN/build/darwin
Configuring library bf_intern_audaspace
Configuring library bf_intern_string
Configuring library bf_intern_ghost
Configuring library bf_intern_guardedalloc
Configuring library bf_intern_moto
Configuring library bf_intern_ctr
Configuring library bf_intern_memutil
Configuring library bf_intern_decimate
Configuring library bf_intern_ik
Configuring library bf_intern_itasc
Configuring library bf_intern_bop
Configuring library bf_intern_opennl
Configuring library bf_intern_smoke
Configuring library bf_intern_elbeem
Configuring library bf_intern_bsp
Configuring library extern_glew
Configuring library extern_bullet2linmath
Configuring library extern_bullet2dynamics
Configuring library extern_bullet2collision_broadphase
Configuring library extern_bullet2collision_dispatch
Configuring library extern_bullet2collision_gimpact
Configuring library extern_bullet2collision_shapes
Configuring library extern_bullet2collision_narrowphase
Configuring library extern_bullet2softbody
Configuring library extern_minilzo
Configuring library extern_lzma
Configuring library bf_avi
Configuring library bf_blenkernel
Configuring library bf_blenlib
Configuring library bf_blenloader
Configuring library bf_blenpluginapi
Configuring library bf_gpu
Configuring library bf_editor_datafiles
Configuring library bf_editors_space_api
Configuring library bf_editors_util
Configuring library bf_editors_interface
Configuring library bf_editors_animation
Configuring library bf_editors_armature
Configuring library bf_editors_mesh
Configuring library bf_editors_metaball
Configuring library bf_editors_object
Configuring library bf_editors_curve
Configuring library bf_editors_gpencil
Configuring library bf_editors_physics
Configuring library bf_editors_render
Configuring library bf_editors_sound
Configuring library bf_editors_space_buttons
Configuring library bf_editors_space_file
Configuring library bf_editors_space_image
Configuring library bf_editors_space_info
Configuring library bf_editors_space_graph
Configuring library bf_editors_space_node
Configuring library bf_editors_space_outliner
Configuring library bf_editors_space_time
Configuring library bf_editors_space_view3d
Configuring library bf_editors_space_sound
Configuring library bf_editors_space_action
Configuring library bf_editors_space_nla
Configuring library bf_editors_space_script
Configuring library bf_editors_space_text
Configuring library bf_editors_space_sequencer
Configuring library bf_editors_space_game
Configuring library bf_editors_space_console
Configuring library bf_editors_space_userpref
Configuring library bf_editors_transform
Configuring library bf_editors_screen
Configuring library bf_editors_sculpt_paint
Configuring library bf_editors_uvedit
Configuring library bf_imbuf
Configuring library bf_dna
Configuring library bf_rna
Configuring library bf_readblenfile
Configuring library bf_render
Configuring library bf_render_raytrace
Configuring library bf_nodes
Configuring library bf_cmpnodes
Configuring library bf_shdnodes
Configuring library bf_texnodes
Configuring library bf_modifiers
Configuring library bf_ikplugin
Configuring library bf_windowmanager
Configuring library bf_blenfont
Configuring library bf_python
Configuring library bf_python_ext
Configuring library bf_imbuf_dds
Configuring library bf_imbuf_cineon
Configuring library bf_imbuf_openexr
Configuring library bf_quicktime
Configuring library bf_creator
Configuring library bf_gen_system
Configuring library ge_blen_routines
Configuring library ge_converter
Configuring library ge_logic_expressions
Configuring library ge_logic
Configuring library ge_logic_ketsji
Configuring library bf_network
Configuring library ge_logic_ngnetwork
Configuring library ge_logic_loopbacknetwork
Configuring library ge_phys_common
Configuring library ge_phys_dummy
Configuring library ge_rasterizer
Configuring library ge_oglrasterizer
Configuring library ge_scenegraph
Configuring library ge_videotex
Configuring library ge_phys_bullet
Configuring program blender
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
Compiling ==> 'AUD_C-API.cpp'
In file included from intern/audaspace/intern/AUD_C-API.cpp:32:
intern/audaspace/intern/AUD_PyInit.h:30:20: error: Python.h: No such file or directory
In file included from intern/audaspace/intern/AUD_C-API.cpp:33:
intern/audaspace/Python/AUD_PyAPI.h:29:20: error: Python.h: No such file or directory
In file included from intern/audaspace/intern/AUD_C-API.cpp:67:
intern/audaspace/SDL/AUD_SDLDevice.h:31:17: error: SDL.h: No such file or directory
In file included from intern/audaspace/intern/AUD_C-API.cpp:71:
intern/audaspace/OpenAL/AUD_OpenALDevice.h:34:19: error: AL/al.h: No such file or directory
intern/audaspace/OpenAL/AUD_OpenALDevice.h:35:20: error: AL/alc.h: No such file or directory
intern/audaspace/intern/AUD_C-API.cpp:81:34: error: libavformat/avformat.h: No such file or directory
In file included from intern/audaspace/intern/AUD_C-API.cpp:32:
intern/audaspace/intern/AUD_PyInit.h:39: error: expected initializer before ‘*’ token
In file included from intern/audaspace/intern/AUD_C-API.cpp:33:
intern/audaspace/Python/AUD_PyAPI.h:41: error: ‘PyObject_HEAD’ does not name a type
intern/audaspace/Python/AUD_PyAPI.h:47: error: ‘PyObject_HEAD’ does not name a type
intern/audaspace/Python/AUD_PyAPI.h:49: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘PyObject’ with no type
intern/audaspace/Python/AUD_PyAPI.h:49: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
intern/audaspace/Python/AUD_PyAPI.h:53: error: ‘PyObject_HEAD’ does not name a type
intern/audaspace/Python/AUD_PyAPI.h:57: error: ‘PyMODINIT_FUNC’ does not name a type
intern/audaspace/Python/AUD_PyAPI.h:60: error: expected initializer before ‘*’ token
In file included from intern/audaspace/intern/AUD_C-API.cpp:67:
intern/audaspace/SDL/AUD_SDLDevice.h:45: error: ‘Uint8’ has not been declared
In file included from intern/audaspace/intern/AUD_C-API.cpp:71:
intern/audaspace/OpenAL/AUD_OpenALDevice.h:48: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘ALCdevice’ with no type
intern/audaspace/OpenAL/AUD_OpenALDevice.h:48: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
intern/audaspace/OpenAL/AUD_OpenALDevice.h:53: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘ALCcontext’ with no type
intern/audaspace/OpenAL/AUD_OpenALDevice.h:53: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token
intern/audaspace/OpenAL/AUD_OpenALDevice.h:118: error: ‘ALenum’ has not been declared
intern/audaspace/intern/AUD_C-API.cpp: In function ‘void AUD_initOnce()’:
intern/audaspace/intern/AUD_C-API.cpp:104: error: ‘av_register_all’ was not declared in this scope
intern/audaspace/intern/AUD_C-API.cpp: In function ‘int AUD_init(AUD_DeviceType, AUD_DeviceSpecs, int)’:
intern/audaspace/intern/AUD_C-API.cpp:147: error: ‘Device_empty’ was not declared in this scope
intern/audaspace/intern/AUD_C-API.cpp:150: error: ‘struct Device’ has no member named ‘device’
intern/audaspace/intern/AUD_C-API.cpp: In function ‘void AUD_exit()’:
intern/audaspace/intern/AUD_C-API.cpp:168: error: ‘Py_XDECREF’ was not declared in this scope
intern/audaspace/intern/AUD_C-API.cpp: At global scope:
intern/audaspace/intern/AUD_C-API.cpp:180: error: expected initializer before ‘*’ token
scons: *** [/Users/GCWilkinson/blenderSVN/SVN/build/darwin/intern/audaspace/intern/AUD_C-API.o] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.

Thanks in advance for any help.
Especially: External libs The external libs needed for building blender have been precompiled for ppc & intel 32bit 10.4 & 10.5, and intel 64bit 10.5. Inside the same blender-build folder, enter the following instructions depending on the type of build you want to make