Hello, i have ben working with blender for a really long time now, however i have only modeled, recently i have started to rig a model for animation but i have come across a very annoying issue that i cant seem to find a fix for.
The issue is that whenever i export the model the parent bones that i have manually added seem to shrink to tiny sizes, theres also the second problem wich by some reason when i export and import it again the skeleton is the right position, but once i remove it the model goes upside down.
I never had this problem, but have you applied all transforms before exporting?
I always use animations for Unity, so I need to uncheck “Add Leaf Bones” in the Armature section of the Export FBX window.
I would suggest that you try to experiment with the Transform and Armature settings on the FBX exporting window.
As for the model changing orientation, try to set Transform → Forward to -Y Forward and Transform → Up to Z Up (as shown in the image above).
Hope it helps.
Appliying tansforms seems to fix the model changing orientation when the skeleton is deleted, however the parent bones still become tiny when i export, ive found that when i dont add leaf bones the jaw bone also becomes tiny.