Problems exporting skeletons

Hello, i have ben working with blender for a really long time now, however i have only modeled, recently i have started to rig a model for animation but i have come across a very annoying issue that i cant seem to find a fix for.

The issue is that whenever i export the model the parent bones that i have manually added seem to shrink to tiny sizes, theres also the second problem wich by some reason when i export and import it again the skeleton is the right position, but once i remove it the model goes upside down.

Model and skeleton after being exported (top)
Model and skeleton before being exported (bottom)

These have all ben exported and imported with FBX deafult settings

Also the model is not mine and belongs to the developers of the game The Isle im just using it for testing purposes.

I will appreciate alot any help, ive ben triying to do this for over a week and its getting very frustrating

This is what happens after i export, import and then delete the skeleton

I just checked and this happens with any model could somebody please help me fix this

I never had this problem, but have you applied all transforms before exporting?
I always use animations for Unity, so I need to uncheck “Add Leaf Bones” in the Armature section of the Export FBX window.
I would suggest that you try to experiment with the Transform and Armature settings on the FBX exporting window.

As for the model changing orientation, try to set Transform → Forward to -Y Forward and Transform → Up to Z Up (as shown in the image above).
Hope it helps.

Appliying tansforms seems to fix the model changing orientation when the skeleton is deleted, however the parent bones still become tiny when i export, ive found that when i dont add leaf bones the jaw bone also becomes tiny.