Hi, I recently bought Perspective Plotter, but I've been having an issue with lining up images with my model. I modeled the front panel of an F-16 and when I use a reference image of the same panel, its proportions are vastly different from my model.
First of: be sure it is the exact same cockpit… second the cockpit panels seems to be a bit slanted but yours is not becasue you usemanual page for general instrument overview… whihc tries to display ever instrument and it’s genral position…this is not a orthographic projection ( a conceptual overview like bus route plans are no actual maps of the region ).
And also the outer margin has different depth so it is partly hidden and again you lineup is off…
Hi. You need to be more accurate with Perspective Plotter. The top red line goes from above the edge to below the edge. The lower red line seems to be aligned with nothing. The green line also seems to be aligned with nothing.
Has this got a magnifier like fSpy has? Or do you zoom in to be more accurate?
Some suggestions for edges… No idea if the window frame is actually straight. It may be better to use the blue line as a Z axis reference.
If P.Plotter lets you pick an origin use something like one of the ends of the red line I drew. In fSpy the origin is just as important as the lines - because then the 3D mesh is well aligned with the image edges.
Do you have accurate measurements of anything in the cockpit? I like to add a cube scaled to a measurement I know, then scale the images to match that size with the same thing in the image. Its the easiest way to get images to real world scale… It can help to get it accurate, then work at *10 scale to give yourself more breathing room.
Do not expect super accuracy between the photo, the drawing and the 3D scene. You often have to pick one view as the size you consider the accurate one.
I wouldn’t start off by trying to match the model to the camera view but use a multi-view orthographic…
Not the exact version…but close enough Or go find this for your exact aircraft…
Using this you can get the layout done and then you would just need to move the parts into their proper place using the cockpit photo…It will also give you the image to map to your mesh…