Hello Blender community,
I’m trying to get my way into Blender but so far Blender does it’s best to keep me at distance
I’m a Maya user and I’m following the progression of Blender a few years now. During these years I had some dozens attempts to get my hands onto Blender and so it is now.
The main reasons why I consider switching to Blender is Cycles (witch is a hell of a renderenginge), the dynamic simulations/particles and stuff and the nodebased material- and texture editor, all these things are great and seem to work properly. Whereas on the other side there are things in Blender that are close to a catastrophe naming a few things like the shortcut biased design, modeling in general, and the wierd circumstance that Blender in some places is awesomely straight forward and in others unbearable confusing.
But first things first.
I was going for a new attempt to get familiar with Blender and my first obstacle is navigation inside Blender and the intaraction with the software in general. Because I’m a Maya user, I was happy to see that there is a Maya preset for keyboard and mouse inputs. Unfortunatelly it doesn’t word respectivly is very buggy. After a few tries I figured out that everytime I use anything else than factory settings it starts to act wierd. I can’t navigate anymore in the 3D viewport, shortcuts don’t word anymore, stuff like that.
Is that a common problem in Blender?
I’m using Blender 2.72b by the way.