Problems with animation after exporting


I want to export my model to use it in a game engine ( Godot ).
I’m using the gLTF 2.0 exporter.

Most of the animations looks good expect for the feet.
And I just can’t figure out where it goes wrong.

These are the steps I did:

  • create the animation with IK bones
  • use “Apply Visual Transform to Pose” to convert from IK to FK ( this works great, after I turn off all the bone constraints the animation looks good )
  • export with gTLF 2.0

result in Blender:

result in Godot:

So as you can see, both feet posistions are pretty wrong.
All the other bones seem to be correct.
What might cause this problem?

Can’t tell without seeing the file, or a file with the armature in it at least! I notice all the bones have some kind of constraint (they are green; something, or yellow; IK), what are these and why are they there?

It uses this setup:


On the upper leg is just a limit rotation.

  • the left bone controls the toes
  • the center bone controls the tilting
  • the right bone controls the total foot

The upper leg is part of the IK chain, so this constraint has no effect, IK chain bones should be limited in their IK properties panel:

I still need to look at the Armature to debug this…