Problems with B2.62 and Curv Modifier... Please help confirm...

Please Dload this file and test in Blender 2.62 AND any older version of Blender you have…


I have not been able to get this file to animate properly the way it did before in Blender 2.61… is this a bug in Blender 2.62? need some others to check this before I start claim ‘bug’ status concerning the curv modifier…

Can anyone help and advise on this?

I looked at your file in 2.6.1 and the tank tracks do move.
I looked at your file in 2.6.2 and the tank tracks do not move.

After examining the scene, however, the 2.6.2 seems correct. I could not figure out what was making the tank tracks move in the 2.6.1 to begin with. I don’t think it is a bug. If anything, your 2.6.1 may have been leveraging a bug that has been fixed.

So what actually made the tank tracks rotate along the curve? That seems to be what is missing in 2.6.2. Nothing appears to be driving the tank tracks.

I agree with this part. However, the tank track mesh object has keyframes on it’s y-location that cause the mesh object to move around the curve. Indeed, in 2.61 grabbing the mesh object and moving it’s y-location, the track moves as expected, but doesn’t in 2.62.

Might want to look at these links:

Maybe gain some insight of this from those bug reports…


Your problem appears to be due to a difference in how 2.62 and 2.61 treat curves as paths. To make the tracks work in 2.62, look in the object data for your TrackCurve objects. Under Path Animation, check Stretch. Now the tracks move along the curves when YLoc changes, but they go backwards. Select all the curves’ control points in Edit mode and W->Switch direction. You’ll have to adjust the Frames and Evaluation Time settings to get it looking just right.

Edit: The bad news is, when you Switch Direction, the tracks also get slightly deformed; I’m not sure why. To be honest I’ve never really understood path animation along a curve in Blender.

Try turning off Bounds Clamp for the track curve. They started moving again in 2.6.2. It does seem like they are moving backwards, however.

So what actually made the tank tracks rotate along the curve?[/QUOTE]

I was keying the Tank Link (T_Link and T_Link.001) to move on the Y-axis… That seemed to work wonderfully… but your saying it was a Bug? (Jeas, just my luck)

Hey backwards is better than no motion at all… Thanks for the Headsup…

Okay I did what CD38 suggested… I selected each Curve… then CurveData > Path Animation > Checked Stretch (I tried unchecking Bounds Clamp but that made a mess) I then went into Edit mode > selected all my control points > W > Switch Direction… But now all my Tank Links were upside down… No Biggee… I simply selected the Tank Link > Tabbed into Edit mode > R > Y > 180… to flop them over around the Y axis… and all works just as before…

Thanks Guys…

P.S… Thanks for the Links RevoltRandy I’m going to look at those now too…

I seem to be having trouble connecting to the Bug tracker… (I’ve never really gotten over there to look at that area before) do I have to sign up or something to access it? or is it just sometimes busy?

Just in case anyone wants to see the updated file…

[ATTACH]175045[/ATTACH] :spin: