i want to create an underwater scene for this i need mist.
hoever i dont like the way it looks when simply aplied to the render result
im trying to sepperate the mist on 2 renderlyers in order to have different settings however it donst work
and now i have the results of both layers randomly showing up i cant controll anything.
is it even possible to have seperate mist on renderlayers, hwat am i doing wrong?
and how do i combine them?
heres what i did i sepperatet objekts to render layers then made this node setup
please help
apologies for the horrific spelling
my node setup:
![09%20PM|586x500](upload://wS7DL7mX5sPBooPwROYnOefDaxM.png (i tried uploading the blend file but i was denied that action )
look i wnat to get: