Procedural Building made with Geometry Nodes in Blender 2.93

Hello friends,
This is my first blender post on this community. I made a procedural 3D house with geometry nodes using blender 2.93 and rendered it with Eevee
#nodevember2021 nodevember
Use turntable for this 3d house
watch below link


Nice job, Congrats!

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Procedural stuff is always good,especially procedural building

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Continuing the discussion from Procedural Building made with Geometry Nodes in Blender 2.93:

good job congratulations

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Thanks a lot

Yes you are right this is fun part

Thank you so much

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Nice, I wonder how that was possible

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you did it well, keep up

Yes Here I used some geometry nodes

Thank a lot

so… are you ready?

karte hey then??

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you bartv