Procedural buildings


I saw some stuff a few weeks ago about procedural buildings and thought I’d have a go myself (and learn python + Blender API’s in the process) Here is an initial render - The main thing I’m looking for is some feedback on making the buildings more natural - in other words what sort of features are going to make the generated scenes look better (curves buildings, stepped buildings, more realistic windows, roof features etc)

Thanks in advance

No one has commented on this by now? That’s interesting stuff. Do you plan a new city generator add on with this?


How procedural is it? Are you just duplicating buildings, or are you procedurally generating each building? It looks interesting though. I would imagine doors, roads, alleys, and uneven terrain, along with winding roads would help make it better.

come up with a way to precedurally generate a unique ground floor, then every 10 or 12 floors there should be a ‘service floor’ where they always stick HVAC and elevator type stuff in a real building, so you’ll get a floor with no windows… the ground floor is usually 2-3 ‘floors’ high and has columns, arches, etc, on a real building. Make it give some angles or ‘stepped’ profiles as well, change up the ground plan of the buildings a bit too… and stick ‘greebles’ on the top, antennas and boxes that stick up above the top floor.

It’s good if floor height is slightly randomly varied between different buildings. One important aspect is uv-layouts so it can randomly assign different windows to the building.

Hi all - thanks for the replies - The way that its structured at the moment is that each building is generated by creating a random sized cube, The ground floor has a ‘chance’ of being inset (loads of things you can do with this based on nodeletes comments) a random ‘window’ element is selected (one of three at the moment but you can have as many as you like) and then finally there is a random element to the top of the building.

The eventual idea is that the artist can model a set of building elements and then produce buildings based on probabilies of the elements being used in each individual building. I havn’t looked at terrain but have had some thoughts on how to create neighbourhoods and different shaped buildings based on the boundaries and some split rotations of the geometries.

I will be releasing it opensource - a version is on github already if you want to have a look. If anyone is interested in helping out with component modeling, a bit of development etc - let me know. In the meantime I’ll start looking at a ‘service floor’, greebles (already had a play with this), and then ground floor detailing, last but not least some UV mapping for windows

Thanks for the feedback - much appreciated