Procedural Content Generation - A Progressing Thread

Before/After applying Geometry Nodes Modifier:

Another Closeup:

Assets were sourced from Megascans and Botaniq.

Geometry node tree:

The Unreal Engine Electric Dreams demo project inspired me to see how Blender’s procedural content generation compares, which is what lead to this project. This is nowhere near the scale of that project, but everything starts small! For only one afternoon of work on this I’m happy with where it is now. I plan to continue with this project in terms of optimization and detail level, as well as separate environments/biomes. hopefully I can also optimize the scene and materials to run fully in EEVEE, which would be amazing. Can’t wait to see where this goes!


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Wow, thanks so much!


I’ve got a small update, I’ve kept messing around with the geo nodes system I made for the last test and applied it to some new meshes. I went down a bunny hole of comparing Cycles and EEVEE for rendering nature, which was actually very interesting and quite fruitful. (Cycles left, EEVEE right)

For this one, it's worth noting that because the Nishita Sky texture only casts sunlight in Cycles, the lighting is different as I had to approximate the sun position with a sunlamp in EEVEE. (Cycles left, EEVEE right)

More Cycles images:

I was quite impressed with how well EEVEE preformed, everything ran in real-time, even with all the instances shown (there are millions of instances in this scene). I could preview everything perfectly well and even composite in the viewport, adding some curves adjustments and film grain. Cycles still does lend an overall more realistic result, especially because of how the world lighting system works currently, but I EEVEE is highly capable as well! Can’t wait to see the future updates for EEVEE.

I’m highly interested in the potential of EEVEE and have done numerous EEVEE demo projects which can be found on my youtube. If it becomes applicable I could start a new thread specifically on EEVEE and pushing its limits.


This is great! Keep going!

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All done in two node groups (Left enabled, Right disabled) Playing around with different surfaces, dryness, slope sensing, etc.

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another angle

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