Procedural Frost? How to make it?

Does anyone know how to make a procedural frost? I’ve go this Coca Cola bottle right here that looks too fake without some effect like droplets and procedural frost. Does anyone know how to make it? I know how to make one with textures, but I’m strictly against textures for some strange reason, I like procedural stuff a lot. I know I’m asking for too much but I hope it’s not something too difficult. I will only include the glass shader that I’m currently using for the bottle. My guess would be to use a diffuse shader with mix shader added and a noise texture that serves as a factor, but I don’t know how to make the noise texture transparent.


To make parts of the noise texture transparent - run it through a colour ramp set to black and white (or various shades of grey) - then plug this colour ramp into the fac slot of a mix node.

If you plug a transparent shader into one slot of the mix - then another shader (diffuse, translucent etc) into the other - the white parts of the noise will be where one shader is displayed and the black parts for the other. Anything grey will be a mix of the two with the amount of mixing depending on how light or dark the grey is.

Well, I tried something, so here it is:

Version 1:

Version 2:

I was experimenting with this - and thought it could be adapted to make a good frost/condensation texture if you reduce the scale somewhat. The voronoi texture drives both the bump and the mix between clear (e.g. water droplets) and the rougher misty condensation.

This uses microdisplacements which might be overkill for your application - but you could forgo this and use normal bump mapping instead.

Of course you would only want this material to apply to the outer faces of your model - so you’d need to go into edit mode and create separate materials for the interior smooth surface and the exterior ‘condensation’ surface.

If I get time I might experiment a bit further later tonight.

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This is just quick and dirty, and really simple, but might hold promise…

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Here is an adaptation of the method I was talking about above - on the side of a glass. It’s more like condensation than frost - but unless the bottle was frozen - this is kinda what you would expect to see.