Procedural Hard Surface Mech

Just another showcase of a procedural hard surface workflow I am developing. Here is a shot of my laboratory rat/mech. The workflow is seen by me as a complimentary 3D sketching or fast prototyping tool for 3D artists.

Things made with Blender/Geometry Nodes/Python

Just in case you have missed the teaser of the workflow. Here is the link:


Wow! Fantastic work!:heart_eyes::fire:

Thank you!

Continuing the discussion from Procedural Hard Surface Mech:

Where can i download? This is awesome stuff

You should reply in the original thread :slight_smile:

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Hey!, right now is not available for download, I planned to release something at the turn of the next year, but will see how that goes. I keep upgrading and testing stuff. Anyway, thanks for asking, Cheers! :wink: