Procedural mountain river bed

Hi, is it possible to create a procedural shader that creates something like this?

Well, if you aim at something as realistic as this I fear it’s going to be quite complicated. Maybe substance designer or material maker could handle that better, not sure how far you can go with realism… since there is a lot of stuff going on and that’s what makes the natural feel…

You’re probably going to save yourself some time and energy by trying to use photo based textures, maybe by mixing a few of them if the concern is the repeating pattern…


It might be “easier” to use the Rock Generator from the Add Mesh: Extra Objects–addon and use any stone material ( image or procedural) to make this in geometry and then back albedo, height and normal maps…

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I think Erindale did something like this on his youtube channel a good while back. Maybe it was geometry nodes, not sure. With shaders we can only do so much with microdisplacement, so I’m not sure if it’s possible to get those underside shadows. Also look up nodevember entries, loads of fun stuff there to learn from.