Procedural Pear

I started messing around after checking out Timbo’s “The Pear” thread.

>Procedural Pear : mk 12<


>Current Close-up<

Adding image updates here from now on to keep load times down & simplify updating.

Uh-huh. Looks like a pear to me :wink: Especially the specularity is just perfect!

Very good texturing!

The brown part at the top should be different… too perfect…

Thanks for the comments. I’ll work on the mesh a bit today, it was just a placeholder for the material originally.

Having a little problem with the texture btw, I’m getting some weird “smearing” that runs vertically down the middle of the mesh near the edges of the blend textures used for the reddish areas - you can’t really tell in the posted render but any ideas on how to fix this? I did some tests & it doesn’t seem to be the blend textures. Things that make you go, “hmm…” - indeed.

Here’s an update, I got rid of that smearing problem by layering in a flat blend texture of the same base color as the main col texture, effectively making the problem the solution. Also, at some point I made the pear more squat in shape - don’t remember when or why. %|

>Procedural Pear : mk 23<

I like it! Just wondering if you could fill me in on how you did it? It might look great on my pear! :wink:

If you ask me it’s great!

Make a ground plane for it to rest on though.

Grea texturing job :smiley: And wow those are all procedural :open_mouth:

holy crap! thats procedural?!?!

great job dude!!!

Cool, I thought this thread got buried, thanks for all the comments people. :slight_smile:

Dittohead: I may yet add an environment, kinda drawing a blank at the moment. Bouncing around between projects will do that.

Timbo:Here’s a summary of the Material Stack:

[Shader: Lambert - Ref: .9 | Phong - Spec: .1 - Hard: 8]

  • Cloud tex with Voronoi F2-F1 Noise Basis - NoiseSize: .04 | NoiseDepth: 2 - colorband set to Spline interpolation w/ a light & slightly darker green - Mapped to Col

  • Basic Wall In|Hard Noise Stucci (for the dimples) w/ Improved Perlin Noise Basis - Mapped to Nor, Inverted Ref, Spec, & Inverted Hard

  • The previous Cloud tex mapped to Nor w/ Neg & No RGB set

  • A Lin Blend w/ Flip XY - colorband with the lighter color of the main Col Cloud texture (May be unneeded but added due to lighting setup) - mapped to Col

  • 1st part of Reddish Area: Lin Blend w/ Flip XY - colorband set with White at Pos: 0, Black at Pos: .5, Black at Pos: 1 - mapped to Col w/ No RGB - Orco|Sphere Map Input with Z coordinates - Color set in section under [Stencil|Neg|No RGB] Buttons

  • 2nd part of Reddish Area: Same as previous but with normal XYZ coordinates
    Think that’s it… I hope that was clear enough to atleast give you something to experiment with. Not the end-all setup, it could be streamlined probably. Thanks for the inspiration & good luck with your project.

Very good work. Should consider free your work as a blend file to the excellent Blenderman Magazine: :slight_smile:


i realy like it. nice level of detail.
how does it look on close ups?


cekuhnen: Good point… I’m testing that out right now, I think I’ll have to add some more variation to the cloud texture for it to hold up satisfactorily under close inspection.

olivS: That’s an awesome site that I keep forgetting to peruse, I’ll definitely consider it. Still tinkering with this on & off but when I feel it’s as close to completion as I can get it, I’ll submit it… may never have to get actual webspace at this rate. :slight_smile:

Here’s a close-up, changed the stem texture a bit. What ya think?

[Close-up image moved to 1st post]

edit - Added the speckles… is this too subtle?

Pretty good, though if look look closely a real pear it has a lot of small brownish dots all over it.

Toned down the bump mapping and obsessing over the speckles. I’ll try not to bump this thread too much.

BTW, thanks for the suggestion blade, I inadvertently ended up with a nice cellular look for the skin messing around with the specks.