Procedural textures are not properly mapped

I’ve asked a couple of times on the monday shows what is going on with this call for content thing (simple material preset examples, node groups etc), but I didn’t get a reply.

Oh btw, the box mapping in your quote above is the coordinate manipulation version, not the triplanar blending of the results. Box mapping in this way may be possible as a preset, but the blended triplanar one is not; it has nested groups and will already fail with Eevee with my other nodes that goes into it. It is also ridiculously expensive to use. And why do we have to use color nodes for manipulating numbers? Color mix to do a lerp (fLerp)? Really? Three nodes that could have been one (for exposed numbers). No driving the mapping node? No perlin smoothstep/smootherstep, fBias or fGain (softimage version of them)? Of course I have them in my own math library as part of my startup, but this is fairly basic stuff. I mean, it took a while until we even got the absolute function :stuck_out_tongue: