Procedural UV unwrapping a geometry nodes tree but avoid the leaf instances

Helllo Blender people!!

I was following some tutorials on creating a curved object geometry nodes tree. The tree has 3 levels of instances, and the last instance is the leaves themselves. I also got the leaves from Megascans and a bark texture as well.

Considering I wanted to seamlessly apply the bark material from Megascans to my tree, I created a GN uv unwrapping setup only for the trunk and the branches, but in my case, it is being applied to the entire tree’s geometry including the leaves.

I cant seem to know how to make this procedural uv unwrapping affect everything but the leaf instances.

My question is, is there a node setup I am missing that can mask the last instances on the GN tree setup, so the bark texture vector attribute that’s being applied by a GN uv unwrap, would not also be applied to the leaf instances?

Welcome :tada:

if you may tell which tutorial (and position) or show some geometry nodes setup then this may increase the possibilty that someone may be able to help you. If not then only someone who did something similar may directly/specifically know :wink: