Procedure texture usage

I am new to blender and i need to have carbon fibre texture on car i modelled.
Through this tutorial

I have made "carbon fibre ’ texture through a tutorial on YouTube
But it works on default mesh but not on modeled shape
If i plug from uv to object in texture coordinate the texture somewhat breaks and not continues
Following are the images

Whatever pattern style you end up using from the video, if the output is black and white, multiply with 0.25 (and possibly add 0.25) and use that to drive anisotropic rotation for the Cycles version (if doing both). Material to also have UV driven tangents of course.

Have you UV unwrapped the part in the first place? If if breaks no matter the texture scale, it suggests UV coordinates are missing.

Thanks you for response
I am very new to blender and it’s hard to understand this terms

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The video apparently comes with a part 2 that describes anisotropic shading. For the rotation, I’d do a multiply/add node rather than a map range though.

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It looks like the object is either not UV-Unwrapped or does not have it’s scaling applied. Try applying the scale (CTRL+A>Scale) or UV-Unwrapping the mesh (tutorial).

Thanks for response. I am going to try it out.

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Thank so much.u were right about uv.i just unwrapped it and it’s working.
Once again thanks :heart:

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