Proceural gradient using brick texture

A current project of mine involves texturing a brick wall that contains two base shades of blue bricks with some variation of each. The brick wall needs to start using the dark shade at the top of the wall and be using only the lighter shade at the bottom of the wall. This gradient needs to be accomplished by having fewer and fewer dark bricks mixed with the light as it progresses downward. I have attempted to use the brick texture in Blender to accomplish this, but have not been successful. Below is what I have done so far. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Hum, what is the issue exactly ?

I tried on my side, I didn’t find a very simple way to do it, but it works…

brick.blend (152.0 KB)


IRRC Erindale got a very good tutorial on how to make a brick texture generator, more advanced that blender’s one.

If you have a bit of time to invest, you’ll learn a ton of things on procedural modeling, and I’m pretty sure his group can help in your case too…


Here is my take, use the bias to control the gradient, the rgb curve gives you extra control.

I change the RGB curve so you only get light ones at the bottom (you could do similar to only get the darkest at the top.

I second this it is well worth looking into.


I thought of tagging Erindale but was not sure how much he’s into helping out with every little question. I’ll have to check out the tutorial though. Thanks!

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So that’s what the Bias is useful for! I’ll play with this and see what I can come up with. Thanks so much!

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Erindales video is great and very informative, his setup also gives you a UV map for each brick.

Another thing I always recommend is LazyDodo’s brick tricks addon for anyone who likes bricks! It gives you some extra brick patterns and also UV per brick, rounded corners etc It is well worth downloading.


This looks awesome. Great find.

Yeah it’s probably best to see who is willing to help first before starting to tag people.

@DNorman solution seems great, indeed influencing the bias seems a very good and simple way to get the result…

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Unfortunately the celid in brick tricks works differently than the bias in the normal brick texture so in this case maybe the normal brick node is better if you go the bias way.