Progressively Smaller Instances

Presently, I have several instances generated by geometry nodes that looks like this

I want to make them smaller as they get closer to the tip. However, I’m not sure my current idea is even possible. Are there nodes to pull distances from nearby vertices and shrink the instances based on that? If not, how should I go about trying to get smaller instances the closer they get to the tip?

Something like this. Spline Parameter to check all along the curve. Map Range To Min/Max values used to flip scaling to start big, and to adjust the scale.


Sorry. I should mention that I’m trying to put scales on a mesh, not a curve.

Spline parameter didn’t seem to do anything, so I assume that spline parameters works only on curves.

OK. Have a search here. There was a good thread about this a month or two back.


You can make a spline using shortest path from yr mesh, then transfer the data for your scaling with sample curve.

Hope that helps.

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Just to clarify, I need to set the end vertex as the tip vertex, right? Because this setup seems to be setting all scale size to 0, nor has it been making an effect.

Okay, yep, I’m supposed to. However, it’s not working as I wanted and now the scale density has lowered quite a bit.

Can you explain how your node tree works so I can figure out how to work it into my current tree?

Admittedly, it has been quite some time since I last visited this issue. However, I have resolved the problem where instances were limited to just the generated curve. Unfortunately, a new problem has cropped up: nothing appears to be happening. I don’t think it has anything to do with the fact that the instances are now too small to be seen, because I’ve used both large and small values for the exponent and they’re not appearing. Do you see anything in this node tree that might interfere with your’s?

Your second geo node tree worked perfectly, though I’m not so confident that I nailed down the logic behind it. Do you mind taking me through so I make sure I’m not hallucinating information?

Which part confuses you? I will try when I have time today.


Just the second half of the sample spline factor (rightmost circled nodes of the second image).

“sample index” node is used to transfer data from another geometry. We need spline factor from curves but index order does not match since it is curve, has less points and different order. So we use “sample nearest” node to match the point that is nearest. But “Sample nearest” only works on mesh. So we convert “curve to mesh” before sampling.

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