Project from view projects to back of object

I don’t know if I am in the correct part of the forum, but I hope so.

Having an image and an object, I can use “Project from view” to create a fitting UV map. However, doing so, the back of the object is also “projected” to the UV map, so that the image texture appears on the back of the object as well.
How can I avoid this? And especially, how can I avoid this when applying UV Project modifier via python script?

Not sure about the python, but in edit mode use ortho-view and box select from front view…unwrap from view…add a texture and call it front and assign it…go to back view and box select …unwrap and in same texture, you just added add new texture and call it back…assign it…now you will have 2 textures assigned and can add different things front and back…

You might have to adjust for overlaps and parts that never get selected…that would really depend on what the object is…

Ok, thanks for the tips with ortho-view, that helped me already.
However, I think I made a mistake and the main question is the second question concerning the UV porject modifier. Could you help me here as well?

If you create the UV’s like above then when you add the UV projection modifier and add you plane or empty, then just pick the one you need to project. You can use up to 10 projectors in a scene, I don’t know if that has changed in latest builds.

Bake you’re double UV as above…add the textures to Front and back like above…

Once I had created the UV’s I took and cleared the texture slots and added a plank texture to front and cobble to back…

then in object mode select object and add the projection modifier…add a projector ( Plane-Empty…?) in modifier tab, select UV ie Front, in projector select Empty/Plane…when you select the front UV, make sure in the UV section it is also selected. Same for Back…

I did a quick Blend showing this all…HERE

Just move the wireframe plane around and change UV set…etc…