project Lisa WIP

so fixed ALOT on the issues on your list Tona, here is one with the hdri of , and just a key light , I will pose with the same lighting as before soon


so fixed the Collar bone and the neck the neck , broaden the shoulders a bit, from what I gatherd it should be about 2.7 heads wide so thats what I got Lisa here.

Uploading two images just to show u guys the neck bones etc woth the shadows. im almost done now with her face some more minor tweaks on the eyeform is nessiesery thou , And then I can start on the hairs. cheers.

made a gif with the light going around Lisa

well tried to get it in here and well dident work…

tried a pose

still think im gonna add a little more fat to the cheecks


and little attitude, now im off to bed, cheers

Well! it is coming along very nicely! I just think that the Iris is too big, the eyes look cartoonish and not realistic. Also, the inner corner of the eye is a little off, check the references again, Eyes are essential to get them right… (I struggle with it a lot…)
Other than that, you are getting closer, I think that you have to work more on the observational skills, not just to make a perfect copy, but to take what you need for realism.

perhaps the iris is a little to big, but I think its down to micro detail now, for example , my gf has really big iris almost on the entire eye ( nope she aint high :smiley: ) and thats just how her eyes works. Not the norm I know but still , As for the corners, Im actully happy with the corners , its they way up to them that I´ll think I have to adjust.

Apart from that I think it looks like a real girl , add som hair ( that wont look good probly ) and it just might be a good image, who knows. . :slight_smile:

Cheers mate

messing around with hair and trying to get it right, first go at it, more to come. made the iris smaller Tona


secound attempt on the hair , made it alot fuller and cranked up the subd on the hairs to make it less jagget.

And also went down a size just for saving time 720p instead of 1080 for now

so here is a little update, I made the iris alot smaller but i think i broke the texture, so will have to come back to that. otherwise I Think im feeling better after todays work.


ps, put in the background for a sence of realsm just to see if the was way of

come to think of it , the iris is still way to big… well ill redo them.

Maybe you are mixing iris with the pupil?
Also, there is something dark going on in the bridge of the nose, that is bugging me. (in the texture side)

ye at first I did … :slight_smile: I redid the entire Iris så been in photshop for a while, BUT I think the eyes are done , shape, iris pupil the shabang.

Now I really like what I see, so the face Is almost done, : ) cheers


little closer and different lighting…

maybe you can close more the eyelids near the lacrimal membrane, so it feels more natural? especially the top eyelid? just a suggestion.

Hello tona u mean that the corner of the eyes are to sharp? Bcs the top eyelids are allready going over the under , perhaps it due to the fact that the lashes isent “real” yet its just a texture so they dont cover enough yet. But perhaps i could Make the climb a little stepper for the lower eyelids.


so fixed the eyes a little bit and made real eyelashes from the hair particles, its looks a little better imo .

Im starting to add cloths to the scene

Here i posed her as if she took a selfe, and are being sad.


oh and the

oh and Tona, before u say anything about the nostrols being to up, I made her sad so I figured that she would probly flare her nose …

I could be wrong but i think that we do that when we are sad and about to cry.