Project Quartz really unfinished Demo released

Here is a game I have just recently (like 2 weeks or so) started. I would like everyone to play it and criticize/comment on it… especially the logic and modeling. there is no python in this. the controls are up arrow key to move forward, left and right arrow keys to move… well … left and right. hold shift to go faster( warning! you will go through walls if you do that :wink: ) m to jump (don’t criticize on that because you won’t be able to jump in that specific city in the final game) alt,v, and spacebar all do something that I am still working on.) enter to pause and use mouse to select pause menu stuff… I think thats it… anyways you are supposed to be in a kind of city on another planet. I haven’t added a skybox texture. The healthbar does work… there is just no enemy in the city to bring it down. So please tell me how my modeling and logic…and texturing and animating is and help me to improve this game. I will asking for team members soon… but not now. Oh yeah, this is in GLSL mode so beware :evilgrin:

Screenshots? It would help people to see what your game’s about.

Ok here is a render of part of the city I’m working on. The story is mainly about a creature named Lux, who has to defeat a bunch of bad guys to get back a certain gem that they stole. Not much information but I don’t want to give any (except what I said) away. I have the basic story written but I am still working on the script. (that will have stuff like what other creatures say). I can’t remember how to take screenshots and I don’t know how to take screenshots in game. :no:


another thing… should I retexture the buildings? If so, then does anyone have a good idea for the texture?

I can also see that almost no one has posted or probably even played my game :frowning:

It’s only been up for less then a day… :wink:

Anyway, I’ve played it and there are alot of things you should do better. ‘somewhat unfinished’ is an understatement, it looked like you’ve just started this. The gameplay is harsh, the ‘ship’ bounces around the screen if you fly into a building and there are no textures.

Your game would improve if you would put decent textures on the buildings, spent way more time modeling and with the logic bricks and I also think you should make the camera have a slow parent, so that there’s a delay between the two. :wink:

well I haven’t worked on the camera yet. As for the textures… I really stink at texturing and coming up with good textures. The buildings I kinda like the way they’re modeled but I may add some stuff to them. For the ground I have absolutely no Idea how I should do it. The game takes place on a desert/rocky planet. which means no trees or plants, just rocks and maybe something else if I can think of anything. Just remember that the reason the buildings look so awkward is because these creatures(composed of light particles) live in them, but yeah I will try to remodel/texture them. thanks for the criticism. BRING ON SOME MORE! (and some comments wouldn’t be so bad either…)

Here is my new building and my old building… is it better? worse? does it fit in with what I’m doing in this game? I need answers.

Oh yeah I also need advice on what textures would look good on it, because when it comes to textures I am horrible.


here is the planet the game will take place on

still waiting for response to buildings!


The white building looks better - more artistic. The planet looks alright - it’s not really textured, though. You should use a noise map (I suggest using Gimp), just to give a little detail. Also, to take screenshots in-game, use the Print Screen button on the top right of your keyboard, then use the paste command in an image editing program (again, I suggest using Gimp).

um how do you make noise maps? Here is my building. I changed the spike things on the side so they are now smaller(does that look better? I think it does.). And I somewhat textured it but I don’t know if it looks good… You might not be able to see the texture because it is like a gray rock texture that I had.


You make noise maps by going to Render > Noise, I think, in Gimp. It’s really not hard to find - just look around the Render menu. BTW, Difference Clouds are in there too.

ok here is the image with a normal map, noise map, and bump map

Please help me improve that building a couple posts up ^ :eyebrowlift:


I am officially SLOWING production on Project Quartz until later on this year… So I will no longer be replying to this thread.

I guess that lasted atleast few days =/