I have been using blender for a couple of days now. I’m following a fire hydrant tutorial from blender cookie and I got stuck in one part.
Here is a link to the picture
I want to project this circle on the rounded mesh but it does not work.
I have checked “Project individual elements on the surface of other objects” as you can see and holding Ctrl and moving the circle as said in the tutorial. But nothing happens. Maybe I am missing something.
Either enable the magnet icon (to the left of face snapping selection) and then press G to snap
or without the magnet icon enabled, as you have, press G then while holding the Ctrl key down press the LMB to activate the snapping.
When I activate the magnet icon. Snapping starts to work. And it snaps. But it does not wrap the circle around the cylinder. It just snaps with single vertex. Am I doing something wrong or it is a glitch in the system?
Result should look like this. This image is taken from one of the blender cookie tutorials.