Projection map test on my head with sub surface.

This is the first time for me to use projection maps, I haven’t finished the model yet I just went off on one as I usually do. I was just interested in how the process worked.

Still need to tweak the sss settings to get it looking more human and less like a wax works.

Not bad, is this just a single layer SSS material? You need a specularity map, it’ll help out a lot as well as an actual subsurface map.

Yeah, this is just a single layered SSS material. , I’ll get a specularity map for the next render. thanks :slight_smile:

@jackblack, Hello. Can you give me a few pointers with the multilayered sss material. I’ve been looking high and low but cant seem to figure it out though. This is where I need a epiderman and subdermal layer right?
I can figure out the specularity map though, I need to make one out of my skin texture. Ill do that another time.

I had a little play aroung with the particle system, really nice tool. Only problem is that I sometimes get nasty looking glitches where the hair connects to the head, see image

Give this thread a good read>>>

Some of the pages have some broken links, but it there’s a .blend file to work with on there and a LOT of good info.

As for your anti-aliasing problem, make sure in you render settings, in the anti-aliasing area, that you have the “Full Sample” turned on, I think that may fix the problem.

a good link for sss:

Thanks for the links guys, Ill get researching right away! thanks