Proper nodes for a realistic dino skin?

Hello, everyone!
I’m struggling to make a realistic dinosaur skin! I’m using a normal map I baked from a high poly mesh to create the details, but I can’t properly get the nodes right. It’s still looking a bit fake. What changes do I need to make?

Here are some prints from the nodes and a render test

Tanks for reading!

I’d turn up the roughness on the glossy a bit more (perhaps 0.2-0.25) - and perhaps make it a little bit darker (i.e. not fully white).

I’d also insert a math node between your displacement map and the displacement input of the material and multiply the map by say 0.5. It looks a little too strong.

Also your image texture in the purple box should be set to “non colour data” rather than “colour” since you are using it as a displacement, not a colour channel.

Ty! I think the result is better now. But the major changes I did were in the lighting, guess that was the biggest issue

It’s quite hard for me to get the lighting right with these normal maps. Certain angles of lighting make the normal look flat

You could try the experimental micro displacement instead.

You also seem to be getting some Fresnel halo there - maybe give this node group a try in order to add some micro-roughness:

I’d probably start with values of

Roughness = 0.2
Softness = 0.05
Falloff = 1.0

This is the result that I got now.

The micro displacement wouldn’t consume a lot of ram to render? I intend to use this for an experimental animation, so I need a bit of performance optimization

Yeh - micro-displacement probably would - so if you ware after performance - avoid it.

Thanks! I think I’m getting there now