Proposal: Separate Python forum into Python Question/Work in Progress and Finished

Proposal: Separate Python forum into Python Question/Work in Progress and Finished Scripts.

I find that I often browse the python forum, but great finished scripts get lost in tons of questions and work in progress scripts that don’t really work. I propose setting it up just like the Work in progress and Finished projects threads. Additionally, we could add the star rating system for the finished scripts forum. Coding is an art too!

sounds great, I’m all for it too.

I would like proper python syntax highlighting for pasted code snippets. There are plug-ins for vbulletin software.

pitty a poll like this is getting ditched into a place that attracts very few people who might consider voting on it.


Maybe some way of automatically sorting into different blender versions as well?

Yes - I believe that because my thread was moved here, it is the first time I have visited this subsection…

It’s already possible with a userscript I wrote a few days ago. Don’t know where to post it but here it is.

You need the Greasemonkey addon with Firefox, or Tampermonkey with Chrome/Chromium.

And then just click the install button on this page :

(huh? internet swallowed by comment?)
i like the idea behind this plugin a lot, but the forum could support it natively. The people most likely to benefit from it are the people who are least likely to understand why they would need to install it.

plugin looks good tho! :slight_smile:

Score - Suggestion granted! Thanks to the BA Mods! Good job!