Propperly packing UV islands when using geometry nodes

Hi there, first time posting so forgive me if I am not where I am supposed to be.

Its kind of a long story but I am trying to use geometry nodes to “cut up” and image into however many parts I want. At first I wanted to use loop cuts but have found that it is still not available in geometry nodes. So I made arrays along the X and Y axis and adjust the scale to fit the original size.

My problem is when I try to unrwarp the UV’s its doing it all funky.
Instead of how it would be done manually by just using a box project or something of the sorts

I have experimented with anything I can think of but cant quite get it right. All the solutions I find online are for procedural materials and such, I just want to cut up an image into however many parts I need.

Cant upload blend file or screenshots as I am new, but here is a link if anyone wants to check it out:

I have included a couple of screenshots to illustrate my problem

Hello and welcome here !

Ok, you probably shouldn’t use the unwarp node but rather do your own UVs which is relatively simple.

You have your mesh data that is a grid in 3D space each point got their own 3D coordinate.

Now you need UVs which are 2D coordinate, fortunately in your own case since it’s a grid one of the dimension is irrelevant, so you already have 2D coordinate.

The last step is to normalize the coordinates, which is making sure each coordinates are between 0 and 1, as opposed to your original mesh which might have whatever range if that makes sense.

All that can be done with something like that :

I didn’t opened your .blend tho, but you’ll tell me if that doesn’ work for your case,
Good luck !