
It seems that every time I look, there is a new spacecraft being shown, so not being one to buck a trend, or even defy convention, heres mine…

This is the Prospero, its only rendered in clay at the moment, but I’d like to know what you think…


It’s like a boing 737… in space.

Your main concern would be those artifacts on the nose. Other then that you have a good concept with a nice model. Perhaps the cockpit/bridge windows could be a bit larger, or extended through the side of the hull a bit to provide a 180 degrees view for the commander.

Looks like an alien ship. (It has no sharp angles).


@Sandrew: This what you had in mind… (see above)
…Actually, its more of an observation deck, rather than Bridge/Command deck, the Bridge is down in the middle of the ship. The ship is actually huge, its a colony ship, and has 20+ decks, can carry 1000+ passengers and crew…

@B3DOO: Don’t like sharp angles, too clunky for my taste…:slight_smile:

P.S. I’m hoping to make this part of a bigger project hopefully to be announced in the near future…