Proxify a Proxy system for Blender

Hello, thank you very much for this addon that I’ve been waiting for a long time, it could be very practical for the environment with blender! Are you thinking about making the code available to the blender foundation, maybe in the long run it could be in the official blender release ? This little addon seems to me very useful and worthy to be integrated in the list of addons pre-integrated to blender;



integrated in the list of addons pre-integrated to blender;

I wish

but they need to integrate this officially in C++ not within an addon


Yes, but I don’t know what is the human process time nor their desire for this feature, I think that if the addon is well managed, having it by default can already do the trick while waiting to integrate it on the roadmap which is already well filled.

they can do this fairly quick.
if it took a python noob 2 days to figure it out, they should be able to do that within less than 3 hours

Here is the page (and the link) to submit an addon that you’d like be included in Blender by default:

but they need to integrate this officially in C++ not within an addon

Not necessary, they can bundle your addon.

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Ps do you know how fork an official add-on to make pull request?

I’ve been fixing the new palette importer. I only found a got for all addons. But I find that rather weird to fork them all just to address one.

I think proxy creation should be separate of a render engine. That way it can be used outside renders as well. I think it will have more functionality that way. You could also use it in animation in that way

@B3D3 - I’ve seen this system in the past. Thank you for pointing to! WOW! This is truly a much needed addon for anyone working on Environment design!!
Thank you so much for posting this.

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Also work with animation @PierreSchiller :slight_smile: I think you do animation so it will be for sure useful


Thanks for this great addon! Really helpful, just tried it with a super heavy rig of mine and it works like a charm!

Quick question, not sure if I’m doing things as intended. I’m toggling proxies on and off by pressing turn scene proxies on/off (could be a single button?) and the modifiers are switched off every time, so I need to enable my armature every time after toggling. Is there an option to keep the modifiers on?


yes, by default proxify will disable all modifiers when proxy is called, you just need to disable this option in the panel (modifier icon)

Didn’t understand the other question? There’s two ways to toggle the proxy

below the object pointer you can click/alt click/Ctrl click on the icosphere icon,

or in the general operation panel where there is the option to also toggle the proxies, or turn off, or turn on, proxies of selection or all scene

I will do a full video next week


Awesome, found them :slight_smile: This is so great, really simplifies so many things. Thanks again for all your work and for sharing it with us!

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Yes, video, please. It would be awesome! I am interested in the animation part.

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Sure, coming around the 28th, it’s the first thing in my to do list after the release of Scatter


Pretty useful addon, thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

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28thof march?

No, really soon.

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lip biting intensifies

Video is up


Great work on the tut!

What if obj data is linked, does it still work? I guess linked data with animation is better, it also runs smoother that way. I guess it only works with “live” data, being data inside the current Blend file.

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