PSX/PS1 Style Particles - Trying to make smoke and hit effect

Hello, im trying to add some hit effects and some smoke particles to a PS1-style scene, anyone can point me in that direction?
I’m thus far only familar with modelling and animation part of blender, and I have no idea about the particle system. I’m only familar with another old school engine’s emitter system but it’s totally different here.

What I want is probably an emitter of billboarded smoke texture, and another one for a star texture going in all direction.
Also I’m using blender 3.4

You should post an example for the smoke.
It is one star that splits up, or single starts going in all directions.
Example would be good too.

Well perhaps something simple like this? That should fit ps1.

Here is a quick example.
Change the smoke with a alpha texture.
Also you need a second particle for the fine smoke.
example.blend (173.9 KB)

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