Hello ! It’s my first message in this site and furthermore I don’t speak very well english
But I’m going to do the best of myself
To start, this is my work :
So , let’s go for criticism…
Hello ! It’s my first message in this site and furthermore I don’t speak very well english
But I’m going to do the best of myself
To start, this is my work :
So , let’s go for criticism…
Wow, great first post ! Welcome to elysiun !
The mix of toon shading and realism works extremely well. Nice posters on the wall and really good cloth folds ! How did you make them ?
I have some small crits :
Where the cloth ends, the legs outside the cloth appear much lower than the legs under the cloth.
The scientist’s shoes look rather uncomfortable…
The glowing thing and purple and green objects on the right look strange - what are they ?
Very nice style, how long have you been using Blender ?
lol, they are liquids in bottles.
Welcome to Elysiun.
Nice composition. I agree with the previous comment.
Thanks at all for these comments (I haven’t fixed all details because my fuc… Peecee bugged :< and thanks to ebrain for rendering this scene and xcuse me for my english )
so please continue to C&C
I touch the final render (Rhysy 2 :guess that I’ll fix these mistakes in the next render and I use Blender for two years now )