Publish 3d model to CGTrader, BPR Validation, Critical Issue

I have been struggling for some time to eliminate this critical error that Kodama gives me in order to be able to publish 3d models on CGTrader.

I have no animation and I only have one cube and I cleaned everything, but I don’t know how to solve this one.

Extracted text from kodama.

Publish 3D Model to CGTrader
PBR Validation
Standard Validation
Score: 96.6%
1 Critical Issue
Allowed connections and nodes used by material
Not allowed nodes or connections used in material Open check’s documentation

Material “Material_1”: Output of Frame is unconnected, it is not supported.

28 Successful Checks

See Photo…
Please help me.

Does it works if you remove the Frame nodes in your material?
(select the Frame nodes, and press X, and try to export again)

I’m not familiar with that exporter, but it may be that it lacks the hability to deal with Frame nodes (as they don’t have inputs/outputs).

Thank you very much Secrop
I deleted the Frame node but also the Mapping and that solved the problem

I upload the following picture to leave the solution for others
This is how it must look to be accepted.
So clean, nothing extra.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Secrop