Published Maps and Renders

I’ve been working on 3D maps and 3D reconstructions of ancient buildings with Zondervan. You can now see these Blender Renders in print in the Archaeological Study Bible and The Essential Bible Companion.

The maps are created using high res elevation data with a color gradient for elevation. I have also started using Natural Color satelite images as overlays as well.

Anyway, check them out, buy the books, support a fellow blenderhead!

Extremely nice work. Nothing more to add other than that.


Great and worthy work!

One note: what’s a “lone”? :slight_smile:

Very interesting work. That is the kind of work I would like to be involved in.

Excellent work. I do buy books from Zondervan, so I will certainly check those two out. Just out of curiosity, is your model meant to represent the temple during any specific time period, or is it simply a general representation of what the temple probably looked like? (If I had to guess, I’d say it was Herod’s reconstruction…)

good work,
congrats for getting it published !

Thanks all.

blendenzo, you are correct it is from Herod’s reconstruction. I have also done Solomon’s temple and may be doing some additional constructions (on my own accord) from Jerusalem at the same time period.

This definitely deserves to be in the gallery. Well done.


Cool, I love these acient reconstructions in 3d, they really make history come to life - better than the rubbish sketches

Have you done Herods re-build of the temple or the temple of artemis in Ephesus

the one here is Herod’s reconstruction. i am planing on attemping to model some of the structures from ephesus at some point in the future.

Very well done. If you don’t mind me asking, how long did it take you to do them.?.


The temple took about 42 hours, research, modeling, texturing and rendering. each map takes between 1-4 hours each depending mostly on the graphic design time.

Thanks, that is not bad timing to get it all done…