My first experience of creating clothes in CLO3D. I also worked with animation and rendering. Animation and rendering was done in Blender3D. The simulation was exported from CLO3D. Briefly about the pipeline: after modeling clothes in CLO3D, I exported the avatar to mixamo. After that, I combined the animations exported from mixamo into one action movement (I made 3 types of such animations), and loaded them in alembic format into 3D clo to make simulations. After simulating the clothes on the avatar, I exported the whole thing to Blender. Where I added zippers and a bag. The zippers on the clothes were made in zBrush. In Blender, by adjusting materials and polygroups, I adjusted the animation and set up the render. It was very interesting, but took a terribly long time. Therefore, I hope for your support!
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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!
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