Purple material texture.. is driving me nuts

I’ve installed blender, installed blenderkit add on. Installed some material and all kinds of stuf… I watch video that are like 30 minutes long and do everything as told. I take hours and hours learnig shortcut key,

But one thingbis driving me nuts… Everytime i add texture to new content. Even if i upload new material. Its always puroke and when it is not purple its plane…

I’ve manage to do on tutorial halfway. Before texture node needed to go 4d then it all whent purple…

I watch every comment about purple missing material…

Image is sometime over saturated whit a white flash when the object isen’t purple… coukd my geforce 8800 be the cause

I have i7 11700k 16gb ram asus b560 … coukd it all be du to my shit card. Or us it really something i missed… by the way . I haven’t quit, i’m 20hours atleast into learning… I am a master at saving and restarting from scratch…

I really need to learn this so i can make guitar video and have really cool intro and scene . I don’t want to pay money for something i didn’t create. I want to be proud…

I did make a simple overlay with a gradiant controled with an object… This was fun… but i want these cool 3d animated logo intro and flashy text that i see so many people do, but no matter the technic as soon as i play with texture node . It start to purple on me…

I’m not going to quit… If i have to save up for new gpu and just keep doing borring stuff till then i will… I’ll just make all my template up to the point i need to shader editing… And have all my stuff ready… . I must be missing a step

Welcome :tada:,
purple? The pink color is always a sign for not finding the image file…

Wait … WHAT ???
Geforce 8800 ? GTX ? (no X even worse) vs i7 11700k ? :question: ?

Why not use the iGPU ??

Yeah the thing is i am new. So even if i download a new material from online to blender and import it to blender and ooen it up… It just wont show in the shader. All the node to create the texture will show… As for the intergrated grafique i don’t even know how to make blender use it. I dosen’t even support my gfor 8800 i believe. I don’t know anythin lg about blender at all. Been reading and watching video and such.

I look into this now and see i i can make mu igpu a viable option. But i highly doubt it

I would suggest to look into https://blenderartists.org/c/support/tutorials-tips-and-tricks/40 and learn some bascis… You also can’t drive a car by seeing YT-videos… :wink:

Just take the 8800 out of the system, maybe donate it to a museum, and plug your monitor directly into the motherboard to use to CPU’s built in GPU.
Are you sure it’s actually an 8800 through? What operating system and video drivers are you using? Nvidia dropped driver support for that card 6 years ago.

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The youtube video are very basic stuff. I really not doing much… The only thing is as soon as i go to use shader to add collor. I cannot use texture node it turn purple. Even if i go get all the material textur needed outside of blender. It remains pink… Wehere to i get these misssing file if they are not missing or why are they missing if i just freshly installed them on a new mesh

Try this: https://www.cgbookcase.com/learn/how-to-use-pbr-textures-in-blender/

If i am asking here its because i’ve tried my share of question and answers. I soends a good 80 hours this month trying to solve this issues. Most would have quite by now. But its impossible i cannot find the answers. Just know one can give me a straylight answer. Like. How about just telling me were to go from scratch to get material texture that wont turn pink as soon as i load it… Just so i can get the start up cube to shine a difrent color that i can play with texture node to get some roughness out of it. Like 100% of the video and basic lesson… When i fresh install blender and set the world hdrs the world just stays black. And then once i put materiel regardles of what they are. It turns pink. You can send me a easy melateriel texture in a blender file iver a square box it will stay pink. I might be actually 100 of hours into learning blender. And aven gone past doing an animated gradiant overlay.

The material texture isn’t the issue. A pink texture means the texture can’t be found, which obviously isn’t the case if you’ve been following a simple tutorial, so it’s going to be a hardware issue and it’s all but certainly going to be the GPU isn’t able to load the texture into memory because it’s ancient and you need to use the integrated GPU of your far more modern CPU

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Okay thank you. This is what i was hoping the probleme was and i could find anything relate from pink texture to gpu capacity. So my huntch was right. . So i just need an ssd drive so i can ditch the gpu (the reason for the GPU is my pc wont boot from Igpu if i don’t upgrade parts. (Its a built i making. Haven’t gone around drive an gpu yet) i just tought i could get an upstart plbut i’m bottlenecked on simple task. Lol. Thank i’ll look into this and get some drive this week

What?? Oh now i get it: April’s fool day.

I was been serious. If you buy nee pc part and make a built and don’t get new drive for it and boot it with and older part the cpu don’t allow for the igpu to work. And in order to boot with an older drive you need to pit a gpu. I got my intel i7 11th gen telling my self i would use integrated grafique till i get a good gpu. So i put money on ram and cpu power and i decided to boot it up so i could atleast get all my streaming program hook up and such. And found that out after all was set up… i cannot remome my GPU for now since my pc won’t boot windows without it. It a flaw i absolutly need an ssd m.2 in order to run integrated grafix. So my questiin is answered i cannot get gpu support to run blender fully

I everyone… just tought i would updates. After upgrating my pc hard drive from sata to ssd so i could use inergrated graphic "pc motherboard would not enable the hdmi output and the use of uhd 750 of the processor with an okd hardrive) after this upgrate i was able to remive my GPU and was able to see compliicated materiel. So no more pink… When using 3d and 4d optiin in shader nodes… so thanks for the help… my probkeme really was outdated GPU… Which will be next on my to get list on my new built… i don’t video game… so for now its not a must tho it can make my journey smoother… i’ll be doing my first animated logo and ooening scenes for my guitar lesson video shortly. Thank you for the help…

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