Python blendIn doesn't work (for me).

I don’t know if there is anything special about blendIn when coding it. I know I am setting it because I can print it out again, but it still does nothing in the way blendIn should. This is the section of code I’m using, it is set up to change the action of the armature when its property is changed. Everything works, such as changing from one action to another, but it does not go smoothly as blendIn should.

if npc["action"] != npc["lastAction"]:
        npc["lastAction"] = npc["action"]
        actuator.blendIn = 15
        actuator.action = npc["action"]
        actuator.frameStart = npc["scene-s"]
        actuator.frameEnd = npc["scene-e"]

Also I don’t know if I would get more help by posting in this section of the forum or in the python part of the forum.

I think blendin only works between two different actuators and not when changing the action on an actuator.

Thank you Moguri, I added another actuator then made my code flip between the two and it worked.

    if npc["action"] != npc["lastAction"]:
        npc["lastAction"] = npc["action"]
        if npc["curAct"] == 1:
            npc["curAct"] = 2
            npc["curAct"] = 1
        actuator = cont.actuators["act"+str(npc["curAct"])]
        actuator.blendIn = 5
        actuator.action = npc["action"]
        actuator.frameStart = npc["scene-s"]
        actuator.frameEnd = npc["scene-e"]