I have long hoped to see the node editor of blender expanded to use all the animateable RNA types.
I have been told that that will maybe eventually be possible but it will require the famed DepGraph overhaul project.
Phonybone / Lukas Toenne is the man to ask about node stuff.
looks like what you are asking for is like what LightWave has known as ICE.
You visually click expressions/stuff together and ICE can also generate clear text for hand edit from it.
I am not a coder and will never have the time to learn python or could use it this way in my work.
but a visual editor that allows a simple expression generation would be something I could use because it would
be easier to learn and remember. ah well
Thanks for the links kakachiex2 . I always wanted to see Nodebox ported over to Windows, but Coral actually looks more powerful. I look forward to giving it a whirl!
@cekuhnen , I think you mean Softimage, not Lightwave
Dear kakachiex2, a HUGE thank you for the links. Apart from being an inspiration for writing node-based UIs, the applications linked are extremely interesting by themselves.
@cekuhnen: Yes ICE is like that. But with mango running I think the depsgraph is some time in the waiting yet. And Phonybone has his hands full i believe. So it will not be there soon but I still hold my hopes high for the future. As you say it would be extremely powerful for nonprogrammers. I can code also but still like a nodebased approach