Python vs. Standard Blender game engine

To make a complete, good game, can you get away without using Python coding. I have zero knowledge and experience with Python and have no clue how to even use it in my blender game I am trying to develop. Also, I am looking for tutorials that are strictly based on blender game engine use. If anyone has any places they can send me, it would be much appreciated. Thanks,


P.s. I have already gone through Super3boy’s and Hamsterhills videos on youtube.

To make a complete, good game, can you get away without using Python coding

Yes…a good Ping-Pong game.

Also, I am looking for tutorials that are strictly based on blender game engine use. If anyone has any places they can send me, it would be much appreciated.
Great BGE Python resources and tutorials.

Is using Python just going into the blender physics tab an doing stuff in there. Or is it actual coding you must do?

Using Python is actual coding - you can use Python scripts to interact with the game engine by reading sensors, modifying object properties, adding and deleting game objects, and activating actuators. It’s highly recommended to learn Python at some point if you want to make a more complex game, but if you’re just starting on a simple game with the BGE, you won’t need Python.

I have got away for ages without learning python. Even now I know just enough to modify others scripts to fit my needs.
The most complex game I have made with no python is a 6DOF Spaceship FPS with 10 different weapons and some primitive AI. (for any reasonable AI you do need python)

Actually I’d say for any AI you need python. If you want to make Artificial Stupidity, you could probably get away with logic bricks.

You could use “always face toward player and shoot” with logic bricks, but that is not really intelligence…