Q:Does Blender really need a new logo?+ideas for new logo

That’s okay :), I’m an amateur, just a quick modification , 20 minutes of work in GIMP:D

And it probably wouldn’t last 30000 years…

I do not understand some of the negative reactions .
I must say that the current logo I like but would not prevent the new design.

bevel and dropshadows? eeeeh no thanks.

That does not make sense sir. Every company on earth who even little cares about their front, all the time changes their graphics to fit better with the current world situation. Apple has changed their logo very very very much times and their brand is one most famous ones. So did Microsoft, so did Autodesk, so did Pepsi etc. It does not need to be something really different like “our new logo is this pink flying unicorn”.

It’s just a sign for everybody that Blender is still alive, not even close of dying and can see things out of box, even their own brand. And it’s sign that Blender community has strength to change things.

Blender is not anymore the same program it was 10 years ago. Blender has even new GUI, lots new tools. New people came in.

This is just like the cave painting. We can watch this old painting or do one new, better. Blender logo is just like that cave painting and just like @fdfxd said about that painting, you can say about Blender’s logo. It’s just old.

Also it does not mean that if the logo changes, every one developer in Blender community will start “programming” that new logo and stop their current projects, like developing Cycles. :smiley:

The proposed logo is flat. 3d version is just part of the presentation. I like the regular shape more than the current one. Blender could use small rebranding with version 2.8.

Blender jumped to a new level-through hard and dedicated work of developers ,Thanks to you!! …change the logo might not be a bad thing when you will be beautiful, something that comes from the community… logo is a piece of art and art is constantly shifting somewhere - goes forward , it’s not stagnant water .
I’m not saying that current logo is bad but the debate about a new fresh design is needed because I think the core of art somewhere to move:rolleyes:
…some my ideas-for example, I like the idea that the logo will be seen the letter -b :slight_smile:
fast work ( no final work ) in GIMP to turn someone claimed that it is amateur:D

or something like that?:slight_smile:
@ArMan you wrote exactly:yes:

Both of the designs you linked to are horrible. Horrible.

Creating logotypes/marks is highly specialized work that requires training to achieve good results. There are entire industries that focus on just this.



Something you cooked up on your own in 20 minutes with no education/understanding/context is not going to cut it. You need to really understand some design fundamentals and some context (history) before you can attempt to make something good.

Blender’s logo should NOT be changed. Certainly not to fit every (any) fad that somebody’s heard of. If a change were to be undertaken, it should be undertaken by someone who knows how hard it is, and knows how to do it right.

So after all that fuss and noise that’s it, what an anti-climax.

Logo probably need more tentacles


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like the spirit but

remember the coke classic story!
I think it is the same here bl logo has become a classic

If Its Not Broken Don’t Fix

happy bl

You don’t design a logo in a raster graphics editor. Try Incscape.
BTW this is how a previous Blender’s logo looked like:


good now stop using gimp and use inkscape, You don’t do logos in pixel based program.

interesting, now if this was the current logo of blender I’d agree on getting a new logo

See, i actually wish that this was shown on the BlenderNation post, because the flat version and the general design prototype looks significantly better. That being said, im still not sold on the colour choice particularly as a background colour rather than a highlight, and the wavy band background overlay on some of the promotional graphics makes it look cheaper than it does just alone, with the logo symbol and type.

With a simple background and the red used as a highlight, I think this would make a nice update to the current branding of the software.

That is exactly what people said about Blenders user interface at 2.5 update. They said 2.49 has perfect UI. Now I bet nobody new blender user would wanna start using that 2.49, if they can choose.

When was the last time your workflow in an app. was impeded because of the logo?

The logo is just an image, a UI meanwhile is the core means of being able to use a program, big difference.

cause it is more a trade mark then just a simple pic !

happy bl

Yeah, it’s an image / trademark that could be changed if we know how to do better image that suits better on our needs. Just like GUI.