QGIS Addon - help

Hi. I am not sure if this is the right area in the forum to ask.
I am using Blender GIS addon.

I need to import the map of a specific region, somehow, on a precise scale.
When I load the terrain I want, measure a part of the map and then compare it to google earth measurements with the ruler tool…the size is almost double in Blender Gis.

Is there any way to have the maps in real scale from the GIS addon ?

Thank you

Hi, I have the same problem. Did You resolve it?

There is a brief statement in the Blender-Gis Wiki on Basemaps

Remember that a map service served in Web Mercator projection does not give reliable distance measurement and so will not be suitable for precision modelling, use a local projection instead."

But I don’t really know what that means, been a long time since I used it… unless it refers to something like this…

There is an older Blender tutorial that uses the heightmaps, and has proof of scale figured out…It was for making mountains so don’t know if it would work with what you are doing, but if you have any height info then it should work…
