Queen of the destruction

This is very interesting. I love the textures you had.

Epicology!!Epic isn’t befitting for the piece.Epicology is!!!

Incredible attention to detail. Realy inspiring. I know the topic is old, but it deserves the compliments.

great artstyle love it!

Just missing some nice motion blur and a little bit more contrast and it will be perfection, excellent work there.

Nicely done. Did you have my ex pose for that?

Thank you friends. :slight_smile:
@ SCSI-Dog:
I do not understand “ex pose” :slight_smile:

Superbly creative. I love it!

its awesome…i like it


Nice. Reminds me of some of my old girlfriends. :o

She looks like a lot of fun!

Very nice look and feel!


Absolutely fantastic! I love surrealism with a touch of the erotic, and these pictures are absolutely fantastic. However much effort it was, it was certainly worth it :slight_smile:

Fantastic Illustration. Good combination of 3d and 2d.

i like this dynamic pose. you dont even need to read the title of it to come up with the same feel. i mean there is nothing about it that doesnt fit. the fingernails, the positioning of the right hand and arm, the expression of the mouth, the back drop…it all congeals well.

DANG! Incredible! That must have taken days to make!


Really like the style of this personality. Excellent job with the overall performance.

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I love that it’s hard to tell this was even rendered, let alone made in Blender. This makes me want to learn more about Galaxy Saga!

Very cool and original design. Beautifully done!