question about reference images and shaping the topology

I can model small parts to make one big object. I seem to be better at edge modeling than box modeling and I do like that type of modeling because I want to be able to do detail models in the future. if I was to do a house, I know I would need to look up wood framing diagrams, window parts, roof parts etc, for car same thing. I can look up blueprints and will find some good ones to get the shape but if i wanted to do a very detail model its hard to find detail blueprints for say a A-pillar and B-pillar diagram for front and side ortho but in general can find a side reference image only. Then there certain parts like a car suspension blue prints I can find good reference images.

same thing goes for robot models like the terminator or transformers model. I can find a blueprints but I cant do box modeling and it doesn’t help to see what each part looks like separate . I can break down some parts in the terminator exoskeleton that looks like car shock and I can use that reference to get that part done.

last question is muscle modeling. anybody know how or where I can learn how to model human muscle anatomy? I never seen a tutorial on this like in my pic below of the front and back reference image.

any advice recommendations would be appreciated.


well, blueprints I’m used to think of them as a guide to keep proportion of any model, for details, images like photos in all posible angles and showing all details that you would like to see, are pretty much enough to be able to model