Question about render with rx480

On website in requirments says i can use GCN gen like rx480 is. But
when i change the render engine to HIP on blender says this:
Here it says needs RDNA gen and i cant render with gpu. I almost download the radeon pro 21.Q4 driver.
Could i really render with rx 480??

The first AMD GPU with RDNA was the RX 6000, so I don’t think the RX 480 has the required architecture :slight_smile: have you tried CUDA or OptiX?

Yes i tried, it needs NVIDIA gpu but look this man:

Man i m really confused.

It looks like you can use up to 2.90 with a RX 480, but newer versions like 3.0 or 3.2 are not compatible. The RX 480 uses Terrascale 2 architecture, which is listed there as being compatible up to 2.90 but no further.

Correction: Terrascale 2 is not supported on 2.9, but it might work. You’ll probably have best results with 2.83

Thank u man <3
Really works!

I download the 2.9.3 version!

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I have the RX 480 too so thanks for the solution! Is version 2.9.3 very different from the lastest version in terms of accessibility?

2.93 is not too different from recent versions. Blender was completely redesigned in 2.8, so as long as you’re using 2.8 or higher, everything should be familiar