Question about specific (partical?) effects

Hello, I am currently working on a personal project in blender that requires the use of 2 basic effects, however i have no idea where to start.
The first effect is engine exhaust, like that of a space craft. Basically a large flame with a trail. How would i go about doing that? Or if there is a tutorial that explains this, could someone direct me to it?
The second effect is an explosion, large combustion. How would i go about doing that? Or if there is a tutorial that explains this, could someone direct me to it?

Also i should mention, both of those effects need to be able to animate. Any help is appreciated, thanks.

Well, I would say particles are the way to go. I guess the fire would be fairly simple, give it a starting speed that you like, and put on an animated material that would change color after coming out (like from orange to yellow) and then put the life setting how you want it. For the trail, if whatever you are animating is moving, then do basically the same effect but the starting speed should be 0 the life should be much longer, and I would assume that the material would be different as well.

As for the explosion, I have less experience there, but I would assume that you could do it with particles as well.

thanks for the reply, i tried that and it seems to somewhat work, it just is not producing a realisitic look. Also is there a way to make the particals dim as they die?

Well, to slowly dim you should animate the alpha, and make the life setting for the particles so that the particles will die after they’ve hit 0 alpha.