Very random question but looking for answers if anyone knows.
I used blender to illustrate what im doing.
Theres a lot of european style urn planters that feature lines/ridges that go up the sides vertically. I’ve been browsing around on pinterest to see what I can find but I wanted to know if theres a name for those ridge lines.
Im trying to make my own with concrete, but not really sure how to achieve that. I dont know if something like that can be carved or embossed somehow. or if it has to be casted from a mould.
If you google urn planters theres endless examples. But thats basically what I mean.
Just wondering if anyone knows what they’re called or if theres a glossary of terms for all that stuff.
Those type of patterns are generally called flutes/fluting.
If you want a source for the names of such things, I can’t recommend enough Rice’s Language of Buildings. Not only the drawings are beautiful, but it is also really useful as a reference book/map of architectural styles used in Europe (and specifically the UK, but more or less those styles were used all over the continent).
If I were to guess, I’d say that the making of flutes depends on the material used. For example, if it is marble, they were sculpted; if it is concrete, like many modern ones found in monumental graveyards, I think you’re right, they’re cast.
If I was to make them, I’d give them a lot less relief then the ones you’ve made, and make them overall more rounded: