(This is all in Cycles Render)
Quick question about UV maps, more of a request actually. I’m new to Blender, 4 days in, this is my second project and first project with Bezier curves. I made the Saints Row 4 logo/emblem, and attached is a picture of the render and the .blend file. Some things I need but don’t know how to do: I need to make it look like the SR4 emblem, i.e. UV map the logo onto it. I just need to know how to do that, and if you have a specific image in mind just link/attach it. I tried, and it successfully mapped on, just not normally. It was just random it did not line up. Also, I changed the curves into a mesh before I could bevel it, and the bevel modifier does not work. Tried converting back into curves and my Blender crashed. Any help…?
Any other information available on request. Thank you for your patience, apologies if I have done something wrong, I’m not usually a Forum kind of guy. Thanks in advance,
If you want to uv unwrap the face the simplest way is to go to the top view, select all vertices and U / Project from View (Bounds). You will get the shape of the object but the edges will not hold a texture.
You can’t use the bevel modifier well currently due to the messy state of the mesh. You could have easily added a edge bevel when it was a curve but now you have a mesh you need to fix it
Select all vertices and X / Limited Dissolve. In the toolshelf or F6 set the dissolve angle to 0.1 degrees so it just removes the edges on the top face. Increasing the angle will start to lower the resolution of the edges. See which you prefer.
Then remove double vertices (select all vertices and W / remove doubles)
Alt+RMB on a top edge which should then select all the top edges. Use Ctrl+E / mark seam and in the top of the properties panel (shortcut N) set the Mean Bevel Weight to something like 0.1. In the bevel modifier set the Limit Method to Weight and disable ‘Clamp Overlap’. Set the appropriate bevel width value.
UV Unwrap as previously plus you can also select the edges and unwrap them however you want.
Hello! Thanks for the quick feedback. The UV map worked like a charm, but the bevel I couldn’t get to work. I followed the instructions, downloaded your .blend file, matched the settings, its doing something… just not the same thing. Anything I might have missed?