Question regarding Instances on Points

Hello everyone :slight_smile:

I have a question regarding the Instances on Points node emitting a Collection Info.
This is my current Node setup:

This is the direction im going for:

My question is regarding emitting the lamps as a collection.
The thing im trying to do, is finding a way to render each instance in the collection as a seperate “group”. This means that I’d like for the total sea of lamps to look like this when all 4 instances are composited together. But now it seems it doesnt matter wether I use a colelction or a single instance, as the sea of lamps will have the exact same amount everytime. I thought i’d be as simple as turning other instances off in the source collection but this doesnt seem to be doing much.

Im terribly sorry if im not explaining myself well, I basically with to split up the collection that is being used in the Collection Info and render each instance with 25% of the total lamps as a seperate layer

I sincerely hope to hear from you soon, I’ll gladly provide any missed info about the scene!

With kind regards,

Brian de Groot

What 4 instances? I just see 1 lamp model.

If it is just isolating objects in the compositor then you can use the material pass combined with the ID mask to isolate by material (Only works in Cycles though)


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Hello !

It’s quite hard to understand, can you build a simple example with only a few lamps, showing what you get and what you want ( maybe doing what you want manually).
How does the lamp collection looks like ?

since it’s hard to understand what you want, it’s impossible to answer :slight_smile:

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Im very sorry for the lack of proper information everyone… Thank you for being klind enough to answer though.
I actually did it by hand in the end yesterday. Nonetheless I’d like to post an example in a couple minutes to show what it was I was trying to do haha.
In words, my collection were 4 identical lamps as seperate objects, which are the ones emitted over the plane.
I was trying to figure out if somehow the entire amission could be divided by the amount of instances to composite back together later. I will post some examples in a second :smile:

This is mainly for explanation purposes, but this is what I ended up doing to achieve what I needed.
In the end I created 4 different view layers, with a seperate node setup for each of them. This node setup is the same as the original one, but with lowered values, so that when the 4 different versions are composited together, they will form the entirety of all the lamps (im not sure I can explain better) :rofl:

As you see, now I have 4 different groups of lamps, forming the entirety together.
My intiial question was if there was another automated way to achieve this. Playing with the geometry nodes yesterday I discovered that somehow it didnt matter wether I used a object info node or a collection info, as turning on and off the different assets didnt seem to affect anything.

I hope this clears up a little what my goal was :sweat_smile:

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Okk !
Well indeed you can have only one system per object, a geometry node system can produce only one object, or several objects/instances merged into 1.

if you need to separate them, you’ll have to make 4 objects, or have everything under one object and use compositing as @zeroskilz suggested !

Is that answers your question ?

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It does! It means I kind of did it right in the end by duplicating 4 times hahaha
I dont know, I assumed there was an automated way but alas, thank you guys for all the help!

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No need to separate everything… you can assign light groups (works with emissive materials also):

So, material masking and light groups should give you all the separation in the compositor that you desire.

Good luck.

I happened to discover this fantastic function right before your answer and its amazing!! Thank you so much @zeroskilz !
No to figure out why some emissive objects are not showing in my render…